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Open Innovation Salon Series
The World’s Leading Cross-Industry Innovation Virtual Event
April 28-29, 2020
INNO 2020 conference is going virtual on the previously scheduled dates of April 28-29, 2020 completely free of charge.
After extensive monitoring of the COVID-19 situation, we believe the need for innovation and connection is more essential than ever before.
Our world-renowned speakers and cross-industry topics are relevant during these uncertain times, and it is through collaboration that positive and life-saving innovation stems.
INNO 2020 is Going Virtual!
Amidst these uncertain times, INNO is going virtual on the previously scheduled dates of April 28-29, 2020 and is now completely free of charge.
Register to Attend INNO 2020 for FREE!
Provide your email to register to attend our virtual event on April 28-29, 2020; Event instructions will follow shortly.
For the health of our community, we are hosting Open INNO virtually until further notice.
Once a month, INNO presents an evening of Open Innovation with open office hours, networking, roundtable discussions, and an idea pitch session awarding $1,000 cash.
Next Event: TBA
3 – 5 pm: SIGN UP in advance for Open Office Hours
30-minute, one-on-one sessions with industry mentors. They will guide you through all things big or small. Bring all your burning questions. Spots are limited. Sign Up Now.
5 – 6 pm: Community Roundtable
Meet, mingle, listen, learn, share. Industry mentors will guide us through a roundtable discussion. All attendees have the opportunity to participate, and the more preparation, the more fun! The Roundtable Topic for this meeting: TBD
6 – 7 pm: Idea Pitch Competition
The night will end with a business idea pitch session awarding $1,000 to the winner. 3 people are chosen, 3 minute pitches & 3 following questions. Vote is cast via text. Check out FAQs below for more details. Ready to pitch?
Mentors & Leaders
Open Innovation office hours & roundtables are hosted monthly by industry leaders. Past and present mentors include:
Who Should Join? Motivated and passionate creatives, out-of-the-box thinkers, entrepreneurs, startups, students, investors, innovators…
When are Open Office Hour appointments confirmed? Calendar invites will be sent 3-5 days prior to the event to confirm all appointments. Last minute additions may be contacted day before or day-of event via email.
How are participants selected for the Pitch Session? Once you APPLY TO PITCH, you will be notified via email whether your idea has been chosen. The names and order in which you will pitch will be announced during the event. Yay!
Who votes on the winning pitch? The entire audience votes via text-to-vote platform.
If I have two ideas do I have to pitch twice? Please.
What qualifies as a pitch? Whatever you feel the best format is to demo your idea or product. This is not a fundraising pitch. Draw it on a napkin. Talk about it. Share a one-sheeter. Your idea doesn’t have to be built out to present.
Does my Pitch need to be a tech product? Nope.
Can established companies participate? No, but established individuals can.
Can universities, high school, and even younger students participate? Absolutely.
Do I need to pay taxes on this $1,000 cash prize? Consult with a tax pro.
What do I do with the $1,000 if I win? Go get a deal closed. File for a trademark. Form an LLC. Take a vacation. Buy some sweet new kicks and a sport coat. What would you do with the cash?
More questions? Sure! Contact us
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Revelry helps companies design, deploy and manage scalable software solutions. We unleash human potential by building innovative products people love to use.
Scale Workspace is a hub for businesses and individuals interested in the production of innovative products, devices, designs, and art here in New Orleans.
A craft brewery founded in 2008 in New Orleans, NOLA Brewing Company makes high-quality beers for every palate. Motivated by the beer we make and the people we make it for.
Presented by
Connections that Matter
Elevate and expose your brand to potential clients, partners, and investors.
If your organization knows the value of innovative thinkers, problem-solvers, and creators, INNO is the place for you. Help us to continue to enhance our guests’ experience, engage them in meaningful conversations, plus foster and grow in tech innovation and entrepreneurship in our region.